[Tip] Python snippet increases the UWP product version

If you have a C# project and want to manage the assembly version info during automation build process such as the msbuild with Jenkins, then two options are available: Specify the version number in AssemblyInfo.cs to with asterisk(*) - n.n.* (for example, '1.0.*') Or you might want to manage it with a build script such … Continue reading [Tip] Python snippet increases the UWP product version

Visual Studio 2017 – Why can’t I see the local and auto variables during UWP app debugging?

I'd like to share my short episode regarding UWP app debugging which happened today. Recent days I've developed a WinRT dynamic library which is based on cppwinrt. Most of time, I tested it with an unittest project and everything went fine. However, when I used the WinRT dll from actual .exe UWP application then very … Continue reading Visual Studio 2017 – Why can’t I see the local and auto variables during UWP app debugging?

Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 2

As we discussed through Part I, co_wait keyword requires sort of "resumable thing". So what if we want to use co_await with time delta? For example, you can see the code which the co_await takes std::chrono::duration in order to suspend for the specified time from here: https://github.com/Microsoft/cppwinrt/blob/master/10.0.14393.0/Samples/JustCoroutines/Main.cpp#L31 The answer is the fact that vc++ compiler … Continue reading Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 2

Building WinRT component with WRL(non C++/CX) and cppwinrt

The cppwinrt project focused to consume Microsoft provided OS winrt components and it doesn't support building a winrt component(yet) although they mentioned it will be supported later. Even though it's not technically supported yet, we still can create a winrt component with WRL(pure C++ and non C++/CX) and still can get some benefits from using … Continue reading Building WinRT component with WRL(non C++/CX) and cppwinrt

Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 1

I recently started using the cppwinrt library which brought chances dealing with the new C++ standard(yet) coroutine. The cppwinrt recommends using C++ coroutines instead of PPL while handling async operations. Refer to the following github issues for more information: https://github.com/Microsoft/cppwinrt/issues/54 https://github.com/Microsoft/cppwinrt/issues/46 Although the coroutine concept itself might feel coming familiar because we're already exposed async … Continue reading Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 1

[C++/Cx] How can I get the AsyncOperationWithProgress progress?

Windows Runtime provides the HttpClient class along with async APIs. For example, you can send a GET request through the GetAsync(Uri) method. GetAsync() method is an awaitable API so that it returns IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpResponseMessage, HttpProgress>^. You will get the HttpResponseMessage by specifying the IAsyncOperationWithProgress to Concurrency::create_task(). However, how can I get the progress? There's no direct … Continue reading [C++/Cx] How can I get the AsyncOperationWithProgress progress?