Udemy C++ 강좌 무료화

https://www.udemy.com/cpp_development_with_qt_and_boost_library 처음부터 무슨 큰 돈을 벌려고 시작한 것은 아니었고, 3년전 블로터 이지현 기자님께서 권해주셔서 한번 도전삼아 제작했었고 아직 유료로 유지되고 있던 강좌가 있었죠. 돈을 지금껏 제대로 번것도 아니고, 여전히 한달에 한두분 들어주시긴 하지만 그래도 더 많은 분들이 봐주시는게 더 의미있을것 같아 무료로 전환합니다. 계속 무료로 유지할 생각입니다. 추가로 이곳에만 덧붙이자면, experienced software engineer 분들께서는 강좌 … Continue reading Udemy C++ 강좌 무료화

Demo app shows std::stable_partition and std::rotate works

https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Cpp-Seasoning From the beginning of Sean Parent's great C++ talk, he represented two std algorithms people may not be familiar of. It's 'std::stable_partition' and 'std::rotate'. I made a small demo application shows how the two algorithms works. It's Qt5 based application so that you can freely compile and run from Windows, mac or Linux. Grab … Continue reading Demo app shows std::stable_partition and std::rotate works

Resolving the LNK2019 error while linking QT app

If you’re developing a QT based application(which links QT libs as statically) and get LNK2019 ‘unresolved external symbol’ link errors when you try to link the other static library, Then you probably start looking those link settings such as, ☐ whether the architecture for the binary is correct(Are you trying to link an x86 lib to … Continue reading Resolving the LNK2019 error while linking QT app