Udemy C++ 강좌 무료화

https://www.udemy.com/cpp_development_with_qt_and_boost_library 처음부터 무슨 큰 돈을 벌려고 시작한 것은 아니었고, 3년전 블로터 이지현 기자님께서 권해주셔서 한번 도전삼아 제작했었고 아직 유료로 유지되고 있던 강좌가 있었죠. 돈을 지금껏 제대로 번것도 아니고, 여전히 한달에 한두분 들어주시긴 하지만 그래도 더 많은 분들이 봐주시는게 더 의미있을것 같아 무료로 전환합니다. 계속 무료로 유지할 생각입니다. 추가로 이곳에만 덧붙이자면, experienced software engineer 분들께서는 강좌 … Continue reading Udemy C++ 강좌 무료화

Setup rsync server over SSH on Windows Server 2012 easy way

Configuring sshd from Windows server There're few options available such as Cygwin, WSL, MSYS2(Git for Windows) and Win32-OpenSSH. Personally I 'thought': Cygwin: installing the Cygwin was relatively easy, but configuring the sshd wasn't. Not providing uninstaller was also minus. WSL: Looked promising, but it didn't support background daemon. Quote: https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/08/08/windows-subsystem-linux-windows-server/ What this isn't — WSL … Continue reading Setup rsync server over SSH on Windows Server 2012 easy way

CrashDump analysis automation using SlackBot, python, cdb from Windows

I'm going to show how to automate dump analysis using a Slackbot but using telegram bot is also quite same. In order automate dump analysis, Visual Studio or WinDbg can be used in theory, however writing a script which behaves manipulate other application which has GUI interface, emulating keyboard and mouse inputs, and reading the … Continue reading CrashDump analysis automation using SlackBot, python, cdb from Windows

[Tip] Python snippet increases the UWP product version

If you have a C# project and want to manage the assembly version info during automation build process such as the msbuild with Jenkins, then two options are available: Specify the version number in AssemblyInfo.cs to with asterisk(*) - n.n.* (for example, '1.0.*') Or you might want to manage it with a build script such … Continue reading [Tip] Python snippet increases the UWP product version

Deferred caller(or delegator.. whatever you name it) implementation with variadic template

Deferred caller, delegator implementation with variadic template Recently I started playing with a small toy project – tiny web server with C++. The first requirement I wanted to implement was the 'static type routing handler' as shown from the crow project. Which means, users should be able to register its routing handlers as the following … Continue reading Deferred caller(or delegator.. whatever you name it) implementation with variadic template

Sieve of Eratosthenes in C++

Updated June 8th, 2017. This post was introduced to the Reddit /r/cpp soon after I posted and immediately got a feedback saying "both semantically wrong as well as poorly optimized" which is quite true. 🙂  So I'd like to recommend visiting the Reddit link and consider the comments before preceding or even better, refer to the … Continue reading Sieve of Eratosthenes in C++

Visual Studio 2017 – Why can’t I see the local and auto variables during UWP app debugging?

I'd like to share my short episode regarding UWP app debugging which happened today. Recent days I've developed a WinRT dynamic library which is based on cppwinrt. Most of time, I tested it with an unittest project and everything went fine. However, when I used the WinRT dll from actual .exe UWP application then very … Continue reading Visual Studio 2017 – Why can’t I see the local and auto variables during UWP app debugging?

Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 2

As we discussed through Part I, co_wait keyword requires sort of "resumable thing". So what if we want to use co_await with time delta? For example, you can see the code which the co_await takes std::chrono::duration in order to suspend for the specified time from here: https://github.com/Microsoft/cppwinrt/blob/master/10.0.14393.0/Samples/JustCoroutines/Main.cpp#L31 The answer is the fact that vc++ compiler … Continue reading Beginning the coroutine with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Part 2